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Funding for these projects depend on the size of the development and whether it meets a bank or private funders policy.
Working out which type of loan you are eligible for depends on a number factors including or your income and equity positions. Your lending purpose is also key here. Whether you plan to build & keep, as an investment or to flip, you need to secure your ideal funding. If the plan is to sell the completed development including multi dwelling/units, you may need presales to meet the banks policy around responsible lending.
However, you aren’t limited to banks. Private lenders have become a much larger source of funding in recent history. Sourcing and Interest rates may be more expensive, however the benefit of easier access can offset this to bring your project back into the realm of profit.
Whatever your needs or requirements, we are confident that we can help you to obtain the ideal financial solution to help you to achieve your goals. In addition to helping you secure finance, we will be your guides through the process, for as long as you need. We will also handle all of the necessary paperwork (which is often a significant amount in these types of deals) and help get you through those important deadlines.
We are ready to lend a hand to help you succeed.